The very wonderful Renwick Berchild was kind enough to feature me in the Green Lion Journal ROAR Showcase for a Q&A and some of my recent poetry. Thank you so much Renwick. I admire what you are doing with Green Lion Journal and hope others will read this and follow their future endeavors. You can also submit your work to Green Lion Journal via the link above.

I apologize for not recalling the correct poet writing about small hands in Hannah And Her Sisters, but Renwick’s a good editor and rectified the mistake.

Thank you again to Green Lion Journal and Renwick for this feature.

3 Replies to “Green Lion Journal”

  1. WOW! Congratulations! The portrait is great. You shine in it. An the interview is excellent. I especially agree with your statement about your poetry “raw and steaming on the plate”. Truth

  2. Congratulations, Candice. You have responded to the questions posed in the honest, sensitive way in which I would have expected to their insightful searching nature.

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