There is a spool
curled around heart chamber
former beggar, now tucked in resident
quietude this soundtrack
on a bend in the crying road
nobody saw coming.
It is said, hairpin turns
sharp in their transition
will undo the safest driver
rendering all that was tied neat
with butchers twine and good intention
foul and polluted.
I lost the ability to recognize myself—
mirrors stayed clear of reflection
footsteps went unheard
sound a rushing shell cast off from the deep
lost in time.
People tell you to stay strong, hopeful—
do not succumb to despair
or the voice in your head intoning
portent of doom.
This year cicadas revisit in vast numbers
filling subdued trees with their chorus
and nights are no longer quiet
such the fervor of shared plaintive call.
I want to sit in the leaves alongside them
fat blossoms growing already dry and drowsy
beseechment a gentling art spun above
I want to molt my skin as they do
urging from blackened husk to strange otherworldly
eau de nil
and fly to my dying
freed of shackle and terror’s hot embrace.
Unable to swim I float on chlorinated water
pretending I’m a lotus in forgotten pond
beyond reach of mapd
this suspension a hurried reprieve
from what waits afterward in hollow wings
a comfortable torment renting space
where ivy hope once flourished.
They say the roses that died did so
because they were over-watered
and others believe the blight got them
but they perished after years of their roots
being anchored in earth and that
makes sense and no sense in a
cracked analogous way.
Sometimes I can’t speak for days
when I do, my disused voice is guttural
a split river dried of flow and buoyancy
feral creature removed of language
seeing the immutability of all learned things.
It is not that I do not wish to speak
but the isolation of long traveled illness
exhausted baggage growing soggier with each surmount
renders it futile
an urge to scream is far more
palpable yet stuck
like a deep scratch in my buttoned throat.
All the scars, of all the years
stand like chess pieces before feather of Ma’at
reminders of what I hid from
splices of a life lived fitfully, chewed up and regurgitated
onto a chipped plate on a wonky table in a mismatched house
contemplating what will come if the hallway
narrows and dwindles and no light can be had
what next move will be made? Can we transition
or must we die properly to begin over?
I had terror as a child, I knew it—
licked sweat from its proffered tongue
learned running was a worthy pursuit
when hungered djinn seek you out.
Sometimes I’d feel hands pulling me down
when I swam too deep and sometimes I’d feel
the emptiness of nothing; just slow reduction of self
like evaporate on a hot day
leaves little stain behind.
Translucence became my bed fellow
turning side-ways I was invisible
sun’s shadow blocked me out
sounds muted and skies darkened
until blessed rain washed the crumbs
of fear past.
I remain afraid; it would be a lie to say otherwise
at times there seems only torment—
I flick through my transgressions and imagine
karmic wizard packing my punishment
within a parachute you know won’t open.
How do we stay extant when we are being slowly
erased by every edge, every deed, every word
do we stop? Cease existing and curl
like the creature who inhabited a shell found
on an empty beach you never visited because
the sea was always out of reach?
Then bring me the sea. I want to look
out into the blurred edges of the world
where wild possesses her eternity
in gloried perpetuate
I want to be that emerging cicada
living just for one more day
if it means waking once without hideous
weight upon my back and around my throat
promising to reduce me to silt
with each urgent tug deeper.
How do you find your way back
from a place of void and nil?
How do you regain that necessary faith
in your wholeness when you have become
so acculturated to being incomplete?
Is it possible where the mind goes
the body follows, finding in that rabid journey
the legacy of abuse riddled within
a malignancy without padlock or coin
growing unfettered and soon
we forget how to be unabridged.
Be. Be still. Be listening. Be.
I eavesdrop for an answer, I scrabble for a hand
I cry for my child-self who stands in the past
holding her stuffed toy and pointing
to harm within her and I cannot
speak words so much as feel
this elongated time of grief
will emerge somehow
so different, I will wonder
who I ever was? Perhaps
just eau de nil
caught in the glimmering
periphery of dusk.
(I am booked to go to the Mayo Clinic August 14 for 2 weeks. I am still doing a GoFundMe because the cost of living up there for two weeks alongside the medical expenses and travel will be substantial. I want to thank everyone who has helped, even $5 goes so far and helps so much. Even sharing the GoFundMe or just being supportive, is life saving for me and I am so very, very grateful. If you can spare $5 please go to the GoFundMe which is legitimate and run by myself here: or my PayPal is – thank you so very much. I hate begging but it’s so important to finally get there and get some help after these awful eight years of ups-and-downs and my being so sick now again. Any amount however small really adds up and helps me make this happen).
Best of luck with your program at the Mayo Clinic Candice … 💕