Walk over

on those long satin legs

with ankles crossing

like idle thoughts saturated

in honey

Skin on skin

when it matters most

don’t push away

move nearer

touch until it hurts to touch

remedy that disappointment we carry

in little cherry pink pill boxes

find in me, the answer to the puzzle

if we’re alone let’s make the most

of being able to move close

the rest of the world is spinning

obsessing about varied concerns and things

that don’t matter just as much as

those that do

take this second

to put aside your walk

and dance in my arms

inhaling the intensity

that is us

34 Replies to “Walk over”

  1. This is so beautifully expressed and full of love. These lines are my favorite:

    “move nearer

    touch until it hurts to touch

    remedy that disappointment we carry

    in little cherry pink pill boxes

    find in me, the answer to the puzzle

    if we’re alone let’s make the most

    of being able to move close

    the rest of the world is spinning

    obsessing about varied concerns and things

    that don’t matter just as much as

    those that do”

  2. An invitation to the dance
    What dance?
    THE Dance
    The one with its own music
    Heard by only two
    Caring not if those
    Who can’t hear
    May think us mad
    Which reminds me of a quote:
    “Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.” – George Bernard Shaw

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