My core may seem
The flame dimly lit
My eyes may be glazed with
A heaviness that will not lift
And yet
I am also
A firebird
And yet
I am also a child of this Earth
You can
Force me to surrender
But I remain
A little defiant
I used to fight back
I forgot the art of war
In adherence to well trodden rules
I bent into something lost
But I am not
It is my nature to dissolve
When four rivers convene
It is in the terror I see
What must be done
For when we wish most to end
So we have
And it is time to take that journey
To light 
The far tower
That it be bright enough
To bring back
All that was 

43 Replies to “Seeking wholeness”

  1. The most important lines to me:
    “I bent into something lost
    But I am not
    Each day, a new beginning. You are proving it.

  2. Check your email when you are able to.
    You have what you need for right now, I believe. You’ll gain more when you are ready. I think… we all get to that place of surrender, it’s inevitable. *shrugs*

  3. I’m not sure why, but this reminds me of Leonard Cohen and his song that goes “there’s a crack in everything…that’s how the light gets in”…

  4. I’m afraid there’s no magical cure, it’s just time, and that also varies for individuals. Take care, and be kind to yourself.

  5. Thank you brother 💓 good I hope so. Btw when I’m stronger I want to share w you some cures I read about on what you mentioned in your last letter about obstruction.

  6. Thank you so much for these words. Sometimes it’s easy to forget, and you need a reminder.
    And since I mentioned ‘words,’ I should tell you I really admire how you use them in your poetry.

  7. Thanks for the recent ‘ like ‘.
    This is really reverberating in me. I could so easily re-dedicate this, in this moment, for me, for her, today.

  8. Reblogged this on misterkaki and commented:
    My core may seem
    The flame dimly lit
    My eyes may be glazed with
    A heaviness that will not lift
    And yet
    I am also
    A firebird
    And yet
    I am also a child of this Earth
    You can
    Force me to surrender
    But I remain
    A little defiant
    I used to fight back
    I forgot the art of war
    In adherence to well trodden rules
    I bent into something lost
    But I am not
    It is my nature to dissolve
    When four rivers convene
    It is in the terror I see
    What must be done
    For when we wish most to end
    So we have
    And it is time to take that journey
    To light
    The far tower
    That it be bright enough
    To bring back
    All that was

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