I’m fading, lover

day old bread thrown to wild birds

their wink gleaning

our false rise

lover … I’m fading

in and out

washed by time and exposure

old camera, old film

new development

the blink of an eye and we’re

gathering hats for our funeral

see, there’s a swatch within


wild and unfettered

the brush of red in the hedgerow


redolent with longing

to be more than yours

greater than this

dusty shelf

empty bed

absence bound in absentia

7 Replies to “Absence bound in absentia”

  1. In these lines


    gathering hats for our funeral

    see, there’s a swatch within


    wild and unfettered

    the brush of red in the hedgerow


    redolent with longing”

    I see why you titled the poem as such. Short, powerful, descriptive, and to the point.

  2. The saying goes,
    “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
    But that is a temporary absence
    A brief absence
    Absence unrelieved
    Absence sans hope
    Wears on the heart
    Makes an exhausting longing
    Makes the heart grow fainter
    Without extinguishing the flame
    Of desire

  3. Beautiful writing, Candice, and beautifully sad. To think that those treasured moments we learn to hold close in our loneliness all our lives begin to fade later on makes me cling to my memories closer now and appreciate every small moment.
    Thank you for sharing this touching piece!

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