I am not beautiful anymore
before you roll your eyes, mutter ‘vanity’ and dismiss this
read on ….
I am not beautiful anymore
I never really was
the baubles of youth hung on me radiant
like an old lamp made new, turquoise shade placed artfully
I thrived in illusion, trickery and kind light
in my Boudica heart I knew I was neither
fair nor pleasing, so much as fierce and thriving
even that became hard, as life galloped up and said
“forget taking things for granted, here’s a dollop of bad luck
eat it down, before it gets chilled.” And frozen I became
not the only sufferer in this world, one among many
obscured souls, turning to the skies, wondering
at purpose and uncoiled existence, the tempura of Devotion’s
sticky depth of love and how its ephemeral fragility
seems to last but a brief season …
when fading every day, my face gave way to gravity
breasts like crab apples, too sour for suckling, hung
belly emptied of children, taut in scarification
skin burning beneath ozone, crosshatched in sympathy
I continued when you did not
when you, beautiful from birth, with your damson eyes
and chestnut curls, your wide raspberry smile that
literally caused men to wring their hands in longing
you who were beautiful, inside and out, upside down and sideways
I could have shaken you for hours and nothing, nothing
would have disturbed your glow, it burst out of you
like a firefly searching for deepest corner of dream
a blackberry girl with stains of joy eclipsing
I could spend days staring at your opulence
nights thinking on your magnificent thoughts
your reach was like a wedding veil, long and trailing
liable to run with the wind, skim tree tops, fly away
it was you who was beautiful and I,
the pretender, the one who drank to numb
that terrible feeling of invisibility, of second place
who wore crimson and scarlet just to get a look in
the power of heels, make-up, all the trapping falsehoods
women anoint themselves with to fit, to hope
they’ll one day be that rarefied creature beloved
by a stranger, a world, taut in her cruel turn.
I wanted to be loved and I wanted to be special
but all I really got was the mirror of falsehood
stuck in my throat when I removed war paint
at the end of each false day, knowing all the praise
was for a surface butterfly, facsimile of what I yearned
being ordinary and in that plain-faced simplicity, ignored.
It wasn’t easy growing up with you
being stopped in the street and asked
“who is she?” Knowing it wasn’t me
it wasn’t ever me, my thick glasses and lopsided lips
and when I took a lover, he bought the
magazine with your face on the cover and
when he made love to me, he really touched
you with his longing. And I? I was the hand
maid to your radiance, I knew that even as
I pretended the glitter that fell, covered me also
it never did and anyone who knocked on my door
only bothered after trying hard to open yours.
I didn’t have children, clans or marriages
to mark my existence any more than you
had years to live.
A terrible symmetry, you died before youth
vanished from your eyes and they buried you
quietly on a hill that some said
faced Jerusalem
and I watched as the blue black birds
of our youth did not shake then from deciduous trees
rather, filling them with imploring darkness
as your redwood casket was lowered
and loaming earth accepted you.
I am not beautiful anymore
nor was I, but the finery of those days
was sold and given away, to girls we
didn’t know, who crushed their glossy toes
into your jeweled shoes and my flapper
dresses with wide velvet waists
coins under their mouths in ecstasy
and made their own luck beneath
the same holy skies with boys come
from the very men who lavished their gaze
on your perfect ankles. Time rolling
like a dancer too tired to stand
espying once in a while a white-haired girl
who resembled me greatly
rushing like liquid through cloying trees
freed of comparison or need for love
if love should be based upon such things
then a dragon I surely became.
Wow…that was wonderful, full of longing and sad, but wonderful.
We should all be Dragons! I love this!
It is a curious thing
how we think of dragons
ancient beings
terrible and wise
magnificent if not pretty
keepers of secrets hoarded
magical and ferocious
patient and quick to strike
but nowhere that I know
is the dragon’s youth considered
form hatchling lizard
do they envy birds’ bright plumage?
do they wish a hide more cuddly?
do they fall in love, desire
with more mortal beings
on their way to becoming
elders to the world?
Expansive! Winged words.
Heartrending reality beautifully expressed
I knew that one day “When Women Were Dragons” would spark a poem like this! May we not have too much longer to wait for the Dragoning, long overdue as it is already…