I did not question my worth
I did not say stop this is not necessary
ego needs no increase
it is not an egg to crack and drizzle
leaving bright stain on good intention
we lived
on the breath work of shared emotion
they loved me and I knew
where afterward I could not duplicate
in any drawer in any sea
as if all the stones that made us three
were thrown too far out
a necklace reliant upon string
to loop meaning
she became an actress
of a stage for one
and he
continued to wander
until he ran out of doors
and I
gave away my legacy
and my dancing shoes
thrice mended, never substantive
we all of us turned to leather
under a foreign sun
what became of those three souls?
who linking arms
laughed with heads up high
thinking all the time in the world
was theirs to choose
(for D & J)