May not be long now

may be longer than you can count

those rheumatic fingers and their gnarls

so redolent of time echoing

trees with knots, bound-up old aches

when you climbed limber and swift

never thinking you’d break or fall

still we feel

oh God we feel

May not be long now

may be longer than you can count

still clear mountain water sluces

eyes saving their deluge

for crying among nature is a time-worn tradition

learned from our elders

practicing with first love and then

when we cannot bend as easily

rent our chests with vigor

still we feel

oh God we feel

Maybe not be long now

may be longer than you can count

staring upward at sky pinned with stars

remembering how emotion felt

before we learned to pretend

such things were not

our life blood

such people forgotten beneath damp weight

questioning what is not ours to know

still we feel

oh God we feel

7 Replies to “tenue tragique noire absolument obligatoire”

  1. Your sensational finale left my emotions still feeling …
    “Maybe not be long now
    may be longer than you can count
    staring upward at sky pinned with stars
    remembering how emotion felt
    before we learned to pretend
    such things were not
    our life blood
    such people forgotten beneath damp weight
    questioning what is not ours to know
    still we feel
    oh God we feel”

  2. I don’t think anyone has ever said my writing was ‘sensational’ and I must say I smiled BIG at that my friend. Thank you dearly for your kindness. It means a lot. It encourages me immensely. I appreciate you.

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