Oh how it happens
Soft as a lovers touch
There you are again
Clutching her clothes
As they wheel her limp body off
Your name on her lips
An entreaty; help me
When you cannot
No act of kindness is sufficient

For suffering has its own brand of loss
We all tumble together

To a place of mystery

Where I may leave this place one day
Without her

Like being reborn, except it is death not life
We all pretend this will never happen

And I learn the art of stuffing horror
Into every spare corner
Lest it show
Lest it cry out
Lest it is me found screaming
In the empty linoleum corridor

Take your turn

At empty carousel

The paint of the horses

Gold and faded red

A feel of many wearers

In the hard seat

5 Replies to “Quiet reminder of horror”

  1. An I and a Thou, loving
    If only in some secret place
    It will come
    That day or night
    One will stand to see
    The other through
    That portal from which
    No return can be
    With nothing to send along
    But two coins
    For the boatman
    And a blown kiss

  2. I like the idea of blowing a kiss before going through the portal to the afterlife – the boatman in the background cleaning his coin. Very well done!

  3. Somehow, my first thanks didn’t register in my notifications, but that’s OK. A “Very well done.” from you is worth two thank you-s.

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