Did I ever tell you
she tastes of licorice?
And sometimes French brandy
the hairs on her arm
of sunlight
the nape of her neck
a night time covenant
when she sleeps
I long to unwind the ebony coils of her hair
run my fingers along the parabel of her shoulder blades
finding symmetry.
To know a woman
to love a woman
you must forgive your impatience
to possess what cannot be tamed or owned
you must relinquish the idea
you’re ever going to be in control
she is a faithless word seeking light
her tongue thirsting for your nectar
if you look away too long she will move on
to another flower
such is the delicacy of love
ephemeral and without weight
it skips like a hungered heart
for the right claimant.
it took me
walking on my knees through burning desert
composing words of love in my mind
attuned to her ficklety like
a cage without hinges
I drink in the sight of her
turning a corner, magnified in three way mirrors
like harpsichord strung hummingbird
lasting just a season.
In the night she sleeps
a cool blade
between sheets
slicing finely
reminder of a child’s memory
the Italian store and how thinly
they carved meat
till held to light it appeared
as a moth
blue and changing
against the moon