Oh loss

you feel like a hand slipping in water

child going down, down, down

depths greater than fathoming

where story books end and nightmares begin

a fear of drowning, perpetuated into adulthood

it’s in the little things, always

slipping on the rocks in Malta

screaming before you hear yourself

child again, grasping empty water

how often we feel this

reaching for a hand that doesn’t materialize

tick, tock, ego and chaos run the world

in a quiet place within us

somewhere we never share

don’t talk about

maybe that place has no words

just the upward glance

through waves

and a secret wish

pull me up

O please

when I feel like I am drowning

put your hand in the ocean

and find me

before I go too far down

where sunlight cannot be


6 Replies to “Loss”

  1. Reading this, I know that place. Oh, yes, you’ve caught it, painted it, and its true in that place there are no words. It is, that feeling is, older than when we learned words, when crying, or worse, whimpering, was its sole expression, or a silence in the dark beyond hope. It is older than that, older than human speech. Hear it in the cry of a lost kitten, or the moan of a mother bear over a dead cub.

  2. Reading this . . .

    Makes me sad just a bit.

    “when I feel like I am drowning

    put your hand in the ocean

    and find me

    before I go too far down

    where sunlight cannot be


    It hits home. Peace, Candice.

  3. Thank you so much and for reading my blog, I so appreciate you M

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