two woman kissing each other
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Night isn’t dark enough to cover my shame

How I reveal myself to you from these coils

So long hung to rust with ashy regret of inaction

I once watched my life on the movie screen and when it ended

We all toasted the director, who wrote our existence

On the inside of his scarred wrist.

Do father’s ever know their daughters?

Grown in earth before lightning strike

Do lovers ever desipher the real reason for silence

Resting like a found feather on dusty counter top

So easily blown to floor.

Night isn’t dark enough to cover my need

To emerge un-whole and starving from grief

And feast on you until all blood is drunk.

I grow ill with desire

It boils my want the color of bones found beneath rocks

And thunder reminds me

Without you

I am always


Lift me then, into your mouth, make a meal of my belief

There is only one go around on the Ferris wheel


You smooth indigo sheets free of perspective

lying as flat as hope without wind to bouy them apparent

As I am diminished in anything without you

iris petals growing ever soft against their hard stalks.

Night isn’t dark enough to cover my words

Spoken like strokes over your ebony crown of thorns

My unquiet heart desirous of posie finds in you

A glittering creature, unreachable in your poise.

My feet are sore from running and my heart hammers as

A hundred drums pound the surge of us

Your devour and my claim are loose souls finding substance

In the fever of each other against

Belting storm, whipping its wrath like enthusiastic penetant

Eager to evoke blood

Mine and yours on scald of dawn

From you …

Night isn’t dark enough to disguise my love.

18 Replies to “From you …”

  1. “Night isn’t dark enough to disguise my love.” That is a solid ending line to a passionate piece of poetry.

  2. Even in the darkest night
    Such love, such desire
    Shines brighter than sun
    Warms what is cold
    Sets fire to heart and
    Various other parts
    In silence, it shouts
    In absence, it both
    Burns and freezes
    But does not dim

  3. Epic reveal of soul and heart. When I read and can’t breathe until the poem releases me, I find myself going back again and again.

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