People didn’t care
Just like with the Nightingale
The dead bird outside Starbucks
Didn’t warrant consideration
His feathers mottled by hot pavement
I felt
Bad I hadn’t noticed at first
But I’d been watching you walk
And recalling the depth of your coffee eyes
Whom of us lovers, has time
For dead birds
Finally a man thinks he’s brave to kick
Feathered corpse off to the side
Indicative of these times
I thought of the Happy Prince
Giving away his gold and jewel eyes
Enlisting a little bird to pluck
His riches to give to the poor
How I read that in school sitting
Elbow to elbow with sloe eyed kids who
Scratched their dry elbows raw
And the very same week we came across a dead bird
Its grave still beneath the weeping willow
Fastened by a Palm Sunday cross we’d kept unbroken in a book
Where children learn almost by hook and rook
Whether to practice compassion
Or not
I said to you; Oh look, it’s a poor dead bird
I wonder why it died? As if flung from the sky
And your eyes were hurt just as I knew they would
Because you are a grown child
I’d be bound to love
And we’d bury birds together
In every place they fell
Even if only a few care
Beginning in the playground
Watch them
Children will show you
Their future character.