My emotions
Think of fat rolled papers and boys playing records
Think of girls proud to feel nothing but the astringent of their spite
Blunted is being a feminist and hating other women
For their exquisite abilities at checkmate cruelty, not my sister in your usery
Blunted is wanting to feel you all over, watching glass separate us, the years, maladies, the drying of our respective urge
Blunted is nighttime and death hangs her dripping wreath at your door as your neighbor builds his Pagoda and you want for the fiftieth and the first time to smoke until all is consumed in tails of ether and sour breath
Blunted are the words the high school boys left imprinted in dirty unrepeatable shocks on your fledgling body as you lay on the urine floor seeing yourself say no
Blunted is your wish to be honest and find connection, and that night and all the others, losing direction, ending eating your words with a cold slice of cheese that makes your stomach ache
But not as much as the smooth shave of the scalpel, your first female lover looking through you now like stained glass
Blunted is being old when you are young
Inhabiting a badly sewn together personhood of naught and nightmare
Your cat is dead in your lap and still you hum to some nineties song
Remembering a brief joy like it was torn out of a matchbook
But they don’t make them anymore do they?
Or Screwdrivers with half a slice of orange or sugar cubes wrapped in patterned paper
All glossy and needing to be sucked but I couldn’t could I? Because I was blunted
On your brand of artifice and my hope eternal and all the dead babies who ring a ring a rosie at midnight
Blunted? I’m standing when my legs were sawn off and left to cure in the sun
I’m still wearing your disapproval and the dress with no sleeves showing my silver lines
All carved like numerals and messages to our dead and dying secreted holes
Blunted in the fog and parchment sun
Invisible as I am here waving at retreating shadows
Someone I nearly became, distinguishable, then, lost.
I can relate!
Shutdown, blunt the edges
Of the might-have-beens
Of what almost worked
Of something with no name
Neither rejection nor acceptance
Neither love nor hate
But sharper than indifference
When desire and its memory
Refuse to die as if
Never having been
Pack the sharp edges
And points into words
Consigned to the page
While I always enjoy your work, sometimes you write something that is so powerful and resonates so, that the emotion and impact hits me square on, even after re-reading it. This is one of them. That last line . . . Brilliant!!
Reblogged this on cabbagesandkings524 and commented:
TheFeatheredSleep – Blunted
Karen. Quite simply, I appreciate YOU. Thank you for these generous words of encouragement.
Thank you for reading dear seven burned lollies ❤️❣️💞 🙏
You must be up quite high by now? Of what almost worked. Of something with no name. (Yes!)
High? Well, in a way, I suppose. There is something about seeking the heart, the core of the poem, the experience – a sort of “Be awake to this!” moment. Kind of Zen thing? A way of loving, being vulnerable to the feeling in the poem.
Blunted, maybe, but still as sharp as ever
You have a mind like no other, Candice. I’d know our words anywhere. I think I’ve said this multiple times before.
Deep and emotional oh so honest
Wonderful candy.
I relate to this. Wonderful.
You are hardly a blunt force to be reckoned with however my dear. My drugs of choice against the hard days are is a fast friend that sees much beyond what I see in this life and cherishes it like a delicate butterfly lit upon your hand in a momentary rest or respite from a windy day of being blown about while on its haphazard path in life.
I am hardly ever blunted because I look to draw it all in …the good , the bad, the fear, the silly, the seductive… the beautiful and swim in it…being mindful of the that instant no matter what the outcome…it’s there …so very present whether painfully so or nurturing to the ends of my soul….both aspects are needed for me…
But I will take that Screwdriver with the Orange Slice long as you will share one with me my dear. Much love.. and I love this poem very much… very touching… thank you
I love this response YOU
Thank you so much my wordsmithing sister
Thank you so much dearest curly girl
We should test it 😉 tee hee
Haha. I’d pass. *nods*