Skeletons of cats arch and slink
Beneath the fat calves of resting cars
Metal pins the air alongside sweet crepe myrtle bloom
All is still and you sleep
Whilst the tongue of road wets her distance
Pools of last night’s storm gather like miniature lakes
Cold and black in shadow, the light from street lamps
Glittering off their surface and into the surround
I think of when we were unafraid
And stayed awake moving beneath the other
Slick as two seals
Your hair smelling of me
The room holding her breath
Even first light paused in our ecclipse of the other
Like rounding clock hands wrapping ever further
The steady progress of time and heartbeat, just beneath hushed surface
My pulse is a noise in my head as all else but crush of bedsheets
Like rosettes in a festival infused with pigment will
Thread color through time, remaining smooth and unbroken
Looking into your eyes I see no hint of
The eventual
Lay of land
Not far down
This still road
And isn’t that how it always plays?
A terrible and familiar piece of reflection
When the unexpected occurs, we should not be surprised
It is written in the dewy softness of this graphed moment
We take in our mouths and chew upon
Unable to imagine
The storm
Though it leaves signs of itself
Like tears against your cheek
Show themselves in moonlight