She left
like a thread
pulled through muslin
her pillow smelt
of the push of hair in night
turned in bad dream and
from me for so long
I had
held on
the capsize of our ship
drowning us both
outstaying oxygen to
feel her return
how she used to
take my hand in dark
placing it where she felt
the most
there is a varnished gulf
a painted arroyo
starched land thirsting for renewal
lapsing between us
and it will not be with me
her eyes have lost their glitter
when she turned
it was with the flat gaze of someone
who had already
closed that chapter
bought her ticket
and was reaching for the next
like an arrow
driving its way into my chest
and out again
the feeling of quills and feathers
pulled free by strung force
a sound of cascading hurt
almost like the world sighed
in the room that was once ours
by the violet light of afternoon
where I lay watching her move
in green light, the weight of dew
like words without meaning
I tore myself to pieces
unable to let go
of the ache she left
in her shattering wake
as pulling stitches when healed
will always feel
like something whole
is breaking