Thirty years
And still I miss
The feeling of you beneath me
I don’t have the dignity
Of turning the other cheek
For, looking in a shining piece of tin
See the scar upon my face, you hammered with
Your foolish words I chose to give an audience to
As we sat, me pregnant with your folly, you bursting to clear the table of guests
And press me right there, eating my Sunday best
It is easy to say .. you sated your evil tendencies
But I was laced tight, a willing dance partner
Throwing myself down your stairwell
Catching the foil stars you hurled
Wanting to pin you to sky
And you, watching clocks for the next dumb girl to pass by
I measured myself in inches and circumference
Not the length of love but its endurance
Which you stretched like new prophelactic, over my molting form
As I bore you no live children
And you filled me with last year’s seed
Still born