Unseen birds with small beaks
Break silence in pre~storm gabble
Their compatriots crowd ominous skies
With fleeing wing catching diminished sunlight in their rapidity
An air of urgency juxtaposes the quiet beforehand
As if nature duals with the disobedient will of man
Our science and their instinct
A leak of lightning, the rolling, forecasting drum of thunder
She whispered into the concave whorl of my ear
You are healing, you are becoming well
Shedding fear, memories, pain
Climbing out of your hot hostage skin
You are becoming whole again
The power is within you
I hear her crisp, certain, enunciation
Like a memory, she is a jigsaw of past and present
I have known her before and now
Recognizing in the certain vowels and constanants
A shared lineage
Her shining eyes and the spirit hand
Reaching inside of me, like feeling taking material form
I tell her, I wish we’d met years ago, when we were kids
And played away regret in the arms of elms and aspen
Lifting us from our lots, the catapult of companionship
Where in freedom we roamed wild abandon
The liberate, unshackled from conformities pinch
Two strange children with hearts of gold
I hear her step closer and her words infuse me
With something of hope
As if she were dressed in the moonlight
Claiming those corners of dark where pain likes to kneel in wait
With her radiating determining shine