Today baby, everyone is pert and beautiful
Photoshopped at perfect angle
Swollen lips, weak jaw, 2000 friends with guitars
Can’t keep up, even if I were two and twenty
Better my generation-X lost our film
Before developing
Didn’t keep a record, of that mistake, or this bad day
We pretend and forget, imprecision a comfort blanket
Not wanting to keep in touch, why force natural closure with technology?
We lost your digits and never knew your surname
A blurry mystery of poor memories
Was it that candlelit poet’s bar now closed?
No proof, no evidence, if a tree falls, does anyone know, if it’s not on Instagram?
I liked your home dyed hair, we shared night under looming sky in damp sleeping bag
You fucked my ideals of love when you slept with her
Sent me on my way with a trash bag of belongings
A dead squirrel slothing skin, lay ackwardly beneath your window
Its stink remaining when I was gone
Rumor had it you used her hose as contraceptive
I never french kissed again, or wore tights
Her name was Bo, there’s only my recollection to endear spite
If I saw her today, she’d be married, still tan and leggy
I’d be tempted to gaze up, crack a joke about what denier she preferred
Glad I don’t have a Facebook post about him
Or the other errors, or the other sins
We ran without skin, coats, phones, without GPS location
A bum camera slung on collarbone, for special occasion
Your grimy hands entwined in mine
We knocked our shins on tree stumps
You don’t need Technicolor to be lovers
You took a photo of me nude against the bed
When we argued I tore it up and now it’s zero
Thankful, as I hadn’t used a razor in too long
Along with you and your cigarette butts making daisy wheels of carpet fiber
We smoked when we knew it would kill us
We didn’t floss
Those were the days of ugliness, sloth and 3am torn condoms
I loved your 90s dirty hair and sunburnt cheeks
Keanu in The Rivers Edge, chasing Dennis Hopper and his blow up doll Mary through pine forest
Lying in dead grass in the park, watching topless girls dance with loops of fire
You pressed into my hips, we made out and I can’t remember much besides, the way your fingers felt inside
Perhaps I left early and rode the bus back through dark city, head leaning against grimy glass
Maybe we slept all night and I gave birth
To the ecclipse of time
Shifting and changing
No evidence of
Similarity to now
An imperfect