If we are honest
few things are honest anymore
everything is manipulated or
viewed through a lens
where is truth?
truth isn’t what most people want
not really
if a woman says
do my thighs look big in this?
is she asking for truth? or encouragement?
sometimes truth burns
sometimes it’s like an assault
if you live in the path of truth too long
you become immune to its sting
and nothing can hurt you anymore
but freedom
is not for everyone
the truth was
she hadn’t loved me in an eternity
if at all
whilst that felt like acid on my soul
it released the hope
to find another host
someone maybe who wasn’t being lied to
told she was the most beautiful
told she hadn’t aged a day
told she was the only one
how often is that so in a crowded world?
Disney would have us believe
but love
the real kind that doesn’t like the over-used name
that love is rarer than anything
maybe it doesn’t touch every person
you have to be capable of it
few are
it takes a humility of spirit and a depth
this society doesn’t encourage
the only way forward
listen to your gut
the feeling of worms and knives being turned
tells you when something isn’t right
even if others protest so loudly
it splits darkness from night
hold on to your truth
it’s there on the edges of deception
always reflecting never concealing
how easy it is
to believe someone when they say
it will only ever be you
there will be no one else
you are irreplaceable
how easy to want that to be true
but we are only savages playing in
high heels and wigs
we are wolves sitting at wooden pews
kneeling before weeping effigies
is it any wonder they cry for us?
we are children licking our sticky fingers
and plundering the honey jar
we are humans without conscience
if we briefly entertain it
soon we’re running in the opposite direction
for it takes the end of ego to
go to war with illusion
far better to sup on the drug that promises
a less sorrowful life
who wants to believe they are not
the one who will be loved
the one who will be held dearly
who wants to believe it might not
happen to them?
rather we deceive ourselves gladly
for one toke of the pipe
one last hit
a quick injection of bliss
to believe even as the voice inside says
this is not real
the fantasy, the fairy tale
we grew up thinking showed us
the future
as faulty as a soothsayer
gazing into empty crystal
there are no answers in lies
so when she told you
you were everything to her
she omitted the part that came after
unless you’re no longer
in which case another
will in time replace you
and you will walk alone as you
always have
wondering why
your heart was built of
prickling from the