I love
The steady beat of your heart
For you are
A face captured briefly in a curl behind glass
Our hearts
Hands raised and pressed
The silver of us tendered
Forged in spring water
Beyond the sylphing migration of pike
Green and lean, leaping beyond our lure
Water sparkling like mermaids sleeves
If I could rebirth us before
Pain stole years, adding creases to our brow
I’d give you the peace of a sanctuary of love
Ebbing in the forest, a slow unfolding envelope
Protector against harshness, for it is only you
Stirs in me a deep smile, I take your hand
In this and all parallel universes where, if we stay still
They go ahead, just me and you, in replication
To never end, a long string of amber attachment
Curling toward the sun, I see no beginning
We have known the other by our soul, in all walks of time
Against the odds, it is us who returns, always and again
To be one