Lift her up

there the hang and fall

bestowed in little curtsies

hemming the space we form

in exultant strong brewed motion

plump on passion your swell against think of light

can I possess, what is unbound?

or will ghosts gather your wicked savageries

plant in ground this divining rod

lightning conducts flame like cautious feline

one brush, my teeth, your skin

panther lolling in banyan tree

emerald leaves the size of clenched fists

slick fruit ripe for the picking

a slice of muscled thigh, a twitch, spice, sigh

rising and falling in cotton swell

pass through the fabric holding us back

nectarine and jasmin

pearl slope of your thin back arched against my hand

dieties take turns to spell focus

wisteria and moon glow

crush of posies, carrying arching silouette

how much I have longed for you

this exact shape and time

in emptiness we find familiar fullness

in loss there is a stranger turn a friend

to bid us back to believing ourselves unpicked

we are part of this weave

tight against fabric, space, destined

as I watch the ribbon in your hair

twisting against itself, trying to work its way loose

there is purpose in the dark damson of your eyes

taking me down from my shabby habit

glass creatures beneath sugared earth

melting against the other

a fusion

the shape of us.

(I had this beautiful idea, two people met
neither one was afterward capable
of loving anyone else with the same intensity
because they were made for each other
every part of them knew, nothing could change that
not all the different people in the world and its various temptations
not anything)

62 Replies to “The shape of us”

  1. Kismet. Soulmate. Fate.

    Sometimes, it’s not the best, even when we think it is, feel it is, or hope for it to be.

    This is beautifully done and the postscript is nearly poetic as well.

    “we are part of this weave
    tight against fabric, space, destined
    as I watch the ribbon in your hair
    twisting against itself, trying to work its way loose
    there is purpose in the dark damson of your eyes
    taking me down from my shabby habit
    glass creatures beneath sugared earth
    melting against the other
    a fusion
    the shape of us.

    (I had this beautiful idea, two people met

    neither one was afterward capable

    of loving anyone else with the same intensity

    because they were made for each other

    every part of them knew, nothing could change that

    not all the different people in the world and its various temptations

    not anything)”

  2. That beautiful idea, be they star-meant, or star-crossed, or both (it seems, so often, both), and the picture painted five-sense wise, to hear, see, touch, smell, taste. Such a meeting and joining could happen all in a single day, but a day that reverberates through two life times.

  3. each love is different. and some loves make others seem pale and wan by comparison. but past is past and present is where the sweet nectar of life is

  4. Thank you dearest friend – did you ever see that movie about people who fell in love on a train? I’m not sure you can actually ‘love’ that quickly and I do believe there is only one or two people in your life time whom you can really truly feel that for, but if you do, you are lucky

  5. Do you? I know it’s an over-used term but I do too. I think if the world is all about just hooking up and friends with benefits and going from one person to another person to another person well i’d opt out. If it’s not more than that, if one person isn’t special, if they don’t influence you emotionally then … what’s important and lasting?

  6. I almost think that it’s learned. But maybe exposure to the necessity is merely the catalyst for the expression of the ability to love again

  7. Wow that’s deep I had to read that three times to really get what you meant but yeah it could be learned. In my case I just know I can’t go from person to person loving it’s not me and I’m glad it’s not me, so you could say it’s a choice but it’s really my DNA 🙂

  8. Well I can understand that. It would never be how I am. I’m too intense in a really dumb way. I can’t love/break/rebuild/new love but I definitely can see how some can.

  9. I also think we all go for comfortable and stable, or wild and fun, only focusing on a couple characteristics of our potential partners these days. IMO, that’s why we have so many divorces, there just doesn’t seem to be proper courtship anymore. Call me old fashioned I guess. Perhaps as we continue to evolve, we will become less and less couples oriented. But I believe in soulmates

  10. Hey three isn’t bad! I think that’s about the most I ever could (love that much) but also I think there are different types of love. Passionate love, yes I don’t have room for more of that but there are equally beautiful loves like love of ones child or love of ones friends. Different but valid.

  11. Do you? I would have said (and maybe this is wildly sexist) that men do not often go for what is comfortable and stable until they are a lot older (about 65 up) before that they go for wild and fun. Women – they can go either way. I have always wanted stable but comfortable? I didn’t really want that. I wanted wild and stable how’s that?! I didn’t need fun or comfort. mmm wonder what that says about me 😉 I definitely think soulmates are RARE you’re lucky if you even meet one, many never do. I’m old fashioned too I dislike how easily people give up

  12. I was reading some of your older work earlier and I just have to say DAMN girl you write a good world! I love your writing – I hope so badly you put your writing together in a book that I can buy one of these soon days (hint hint)

  13. Yes. I am planning on working on that as soon as harvest is over and my world slows back down a bit. It’s mulling around in my brain though. Thanks for the encouragement. I so appreciate it on these dark days of the soul. I feel the same about your writing. So very beautifully done. I’m in awe.

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