Tre L. Loadholt is a Writer/Editor located in Southeast US. She has been published in several literary journals, anthologies, and print magazines. She has also published three poetry books; Pinwheels and Hula Hoops, Dusting for Fingerprints, and A New Kind of Down. Her work can be found at and

How does poetry and identifying as lesbian/bi come together for you?  

Poetry and being a bisexual woman come together for me just as a melody would to poignant lyrics for the soul. One does not exist without the other. Poetry is my love language–in most cases, it’s how I express myself. Thus, being poetical while being bisexual is a constant in-sync process, it is a truth that will more than likely be a lifelong fact.

How does being a poet inform your views on expressing emotions through writing?

I do not like to use the term “poet,” as I do not write only poetry. I much rather like using the term “writer.” But, when focusing on poetry, and how it informs my views on expressing emotions, as I stated above, poetry is my love language. It is what I turn to regarding matters of the heart, political rants, calls for peace, and religious expressions. Poetry keeps me mindful and centered. It opens up new ways for me to fully be who I am through the use of words and to share that aspect of myself openly with others.

Why is love a worthier subject than erotica to write on?

Love is beauty in many phases and stages and oftentimes indescribable. To speak about the purity of love between two people and what it brings to both of them without being sexually altered or enhanced is a welcome reprieve–it is a break from the norm that many pieces of poetry written regarding lesbians or bisexual women rarely see. Pure, unadulterated love in writing is a thing in which I would like to see much more.Woman Motivational Quote Facebook Post(44).png

Do you feel your voice is heard? Do you believe anthologies like this can help you be heard?

I do. I was ecstatic to hear about the project and instantly thought, “this is going to be such an uplifting piece of art for many women!” So far, I see that I am not the only one who thought so. I think anthologies like this not only inform people but it further connects those of us within the LGBTQ community with our tribe. More should exist.

How does loving a woman differ from loving a man or being completely heterosexual and how is this conveyed in the form of poetry?

During my “in the closet years” to almost everyone who knew me, living the heterosexual lie was draining. I can openly say that loving a woman versus loving a man are two totally different acts of love. I have always felt that I can be as affectionate, outgoing, expressive, bold, and strong with the women that I have loved. Nothing ever truly needed to be altered or died down for me to love them and for them to love me. Woman Motivational Quote Facebook Post(43).png

However, in loving a man, I have often felt that I have had to step back, give him the spotlight, try not to be as independent, and show that I rely on him in areas where the ego can be stroked. One thing, “love,” however, split to properly gift each gender what I have come to learn each needs. I have written about this in many of my poems or other long-form writings that I have shared and I am sure I will continue to do so. Not only is it a mind-boggling happenstance, but it is also one that keeps me on my toes.

SMITTEN is coming out late October, 2019 via all good book stores. Published by Indie Blu(e) 

Please consider supporting this project of over 120+ talented poets and authors by purchasing a copy of SMITTEN for someone who appreciates beautiful poetry.

19 Replies to “Authors of SMITTEN Speak: Tremaine Loadholt”

  1. Reblogged this on cabbagesandkings524 and commented:
    SMITTEN writer, Tremaine L. Loadholt – “To speak about the purity of love between two people and what it brings to both of them without being sexually altered or enhanced is a welcome reprieve–it is a break from the norm that many pieces of poetry written regarding lesbians or bisexual women rarely see. Pure, unadulterated love in writing is a thing in which I would like to see much more.”

  2. This is tremendous. Even now, after all these years of building, reading, and writing with you, it’s amazing to me to find fresh, new facets of you, Tre!

  3. Reblogged this on A Cornered Gurl and commented:
    Be on the lookout for this amazing anthology including work by women who love women; we are SMITTEN.
    Thank you to the Editors and managing writers, and anyone else who has helped creating this masterpiece and bringing it to life/light.

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